Free Time

I’m fairly confident when I say this – ask any person with a chronic illness how they spend their free time and they’ll most likely say resting. I’m not the only chronically ill person who has a job and responsibilities to take care of, and it all adds to the exhaustion that we feel every single day.

I used to have things planned months in advance and would always be doing something. It was very rare for me to be at home on a Saturday as I’d often be in Northampton with friends watching the latest film at the cinema and then stuffing our faces with food – oh, and don’t forget spending half my life on a bus and doing a lot of travelling. This was all before my illnesses got the better of me and unfortunately I haven’t been able to visit friends or have a day out with them for a long time.

My evenings and weekends today aren’t terribly exciting I’m afraid to say! They’re spent resting, sorting out medication, replenishing heat pad supplies and spending time with my loved ones (including the furry ones!). I mentioned in a previous post that I’m a huge online gamer, but my health often prohibits me from logging on and defending the realms so to speak!

I’m often so exhausted from work that I usually just put my PJ’s on and rest in bed, either sleeping or watching TV. On the days when I’m more awake and able to do ‘normal people’ things then I’ll spend quality time with my boyfriend and catch up on each other’s days. This is my most favourite thing to do with my free time and doesn’t come close to the enjoyment I get from online gaming. We have so much fun together and I couldn’t ask for a better person to spend my life with. I have to find time during the week for washing, ironing and general household chores but my family are really helpful and will do my washing and ironing for me if I’m not able to do it myself.

Weekends aren’t that much different from my evenings to be honest. I’m usually completely wiped on Saturday as my body relaxes from the week so all I’m really capable of doing is watching TV in bed or sit at my desk for some online gaming time and catching up with friends. I find weekends are incredibly busy for me so I try not to rest too much if I can help it. I have washing, ironing, cleaning out of pets, tidying up and medication prep for the next week to do. I usually have the days at home and then spend an evening with the boyfriend watching a film together.

I really struggle to switch off from work and have to be doing something productive or useful with my time, and online gaming is no exception. I set myself challenges or goals and it keeps me focused and motivated – until the fatigue packs me off to bed.

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